Wednesday, September 29, 2010

'Shamgar ... killed six hundred ... Philistines with an ox goad.' Judges 3:31

If you like all things gruesome then Judges is the book for you. It's full of gory tales like King Eglon in Judges 3 who was stabbed to death and was so fat that 'The fat closed in over [the knife] so he couldn't pull it out.' Or Sisera in Judges 4 who was killed by a woman called Jael, 'She drove the (tent) peg through his temple into the ground, and he died.' But Judges is also a book of God's amazing love and forgiveness. Even though God's people keep messing up, God never stops forgiving and helping them get back on track. And He used anyone who was ready and willing. Shamgar was one of those people. There's only one verse in the Bible that mentions what he did but what got Shamgar mentioned in the Bible, was not so much what he did but his attitude. Shamgar was someone ready to be used by God any time, anywhere. He could have complained and said, '600 to 1 and all I've got is a stick? You're having a laugh aren't you? Pick someone else will ya!' But he didn't. What about you? Are you ready to be used by God any time, anywhere to do whatever He asks, or do you have a bag full of excuses?

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